"Westmont High" A new story series by Richard Broadstreet <<< "Westmont High" may contain some adult content. >>> ||| Episode 2: "Truths Uncovered" ||| Kat Sullivan stared at David from across the room. She'd only noticed him a moments ago, but he now couldn't take her eyes off him. "Hey Whitney." "Yeah?" Whitney answered, who sat next to her on the couch. "Who's that?" Kat asked. "Oh... He's just some nerd. David Peters is his name... I think." Whitney told her. She then noticed how Kat was looking at him. "Are you... attracted to him?" "Umm... I... don't know." Kat replied. Then, she stood and walked up to David. "Hi." she said with a smile. "I'm--" "Kat Sullivan." David said, finishing her sentence. He smiled back at her. "No one doesn't know you." David noticed her blush slightly. David then wondered what an attractive and popular girl like her would want with him. "Wanna dance?" Kat asked. "Uhh...um... I don't dance very well..." David said, suddenly nervous. "That's alright." kat told him and brought him to the center of the room, where others were dancing. They were only dancing for a few minutes before Samantha Davis came up to Kat, looking panicked and scared. Kat took one look at her and knew something was wrong. "What's wrong?" Kat asked. Samantha wiped away a tear and looked around. "Can we go some place more private?" she asked. "Sure." Kat replied, then turned to David. "I'm sorry but I gotta go. I'll see you later." "Alright." David replied as Samantha pulled Kat away. Samantha stopped when Kat and her got to a place more private, which was on the front sidewalk. A few more tears streamed down Samantha's face. "What's wrong?" Kat repeated. "I... I was just raped." Samantha told her. Kat didn't know what to say. She just hugged her best friend. "You have to call the police." "I did." Samantha said. "They're coming." As if on cue, police sirens began to sound and began getting louder, closer. "Do you know... who it was?" Kat asked. "Tommy Oliver." Samantha answered and pulled the yin-yang necklace from her pocket, showing it to Kat. "He left this." A very surprised look appeared on Kat's face. "I dated him." "And you never told me?" Samantha said. She put the pieces togather and looked at the inscription on the necklace again. "You're K.S.?" "Yeah." Kat answered. "When we broke up... It was a mutual thing. That necklace was sort of a break-up present." Two police cars pulled up in front of the house, around the other cars. People had begun to panic in the house and were quickly attempting thier escapes. The party was definately over now. Brad Taylor sat in a booth with three of his friends at McDonald's. It was now Saturday afternoon. "I can't believe what went down last night." Brad said. "I kinda feel sorry for Samantha." "Yeah, me too." Zack agreed. "School starts Monday. I cannot wait until the new football season starts." Brad told them. "Think you'll make quarterback again?" Maz asked. "Piece of cake." Brad said. Stacy was sitting at a table not too far away. She couldn't help but eavesdrop on thier conversation. She wondered if Brad had noticed if she was here. "Hey, did you pop Stacy's cherry yet?" Zack asked. "Well, I was about to give up on her... But, I did last night at the party. It was so great. I love virgins." Brad told them with a wide smile. "Yee-uhh!" Zack yelled and high-fived Brad. "When are you dumping her?" "The first chance I get." Brad said. Stacy couldn't take it anymore. She walked up to Brad. "You're not dumping me. I'm dumping you." She told him, then picked up Brad's drink and poured it all over Brad. "Asshole." she muttered and left the restaurant. Eve Jansen sat only a few tables away from Brad's. She sat there and watched what went down. Another subject, she thought, what fun. Eve smirked, staring at Brad. "I already told you. I didn't do it!" Tommy insisted, sitting in the police interrogation chair. "You probably don't even remember. A witness we found saw you very intoxicated last night." the policeman replied. "And Ms. Davis found your necklace at the crime scene. Your prints were found on it." Tommy was silent for a moment. "I did not do it..." he repeated more calmly. "Someone must've... set me up..." "Well... got any enemies?" the cop asked. "No..." Tommy answered. "Atleast I didn't think so... until now." The bell rang through the halls of Westmont High School, marking the end of the first class. Seconds later, students stormed out of their classes and roamed to thier lockers. David was walking to his next class when he met up with Kat. "Hey." he said. "Hi." Kat said. "I'm sorry we didn't get to finish that dance the other night." "It's alright." David told her, smiling. "I still can't believe you're talking to me." "What do you mean?" Kat asked. "It's like we're from two different worlds. And I should be waking up from this dream anyytime now." David said with a small laugh. Kat laughed too. "Wanna go out sometime?" "Uhh... umm... yeah, sure." David answered and smiled. Kat wrote down her phone number on a small piece of paper and handed it to him. "Here's my number. Call me." Kat told him, then walked away. David stared at the paper for a few moments. Then he pinched himself on the arm. "Wow. I'm not dreaming." The last bell rang, marking the end of the first day of the school year at Westmonth High. Brad ran out of the school's double doors and on his way home. He always walked (or ran) home after school since he only lived a few blocks away. As he reached the street, something strange happened. He didn't stop for the oncoming traffic. He ran into the street and got hit by an oncoming car. The driver tried to stop, but he couldn't. Everything seemed to be in slow motion as Brad flew then landed on the hard street with a thump. Brad didn't move. Eve Jansen stood on the sidewalk, smiling at the horrendous "accident". And this was only the beginning, Eve thought as she walked away. 'Tommy Oliver is being blamed for something I did. Hahahahaa... And Samantha Davis is only my first victim. Beware, Westmont High... I'm not even close to being done with my fun. Hahahahaa...' To Be Continued... Preview Of Next Episode: "Westmont High, Episode 3: Insecurities And Pain" Brad Taylor lands in the hospital after a serious and mysterious accident. David eventually gets up the courage to call Kat and they go out on thier first date. Tommy is imprisoned for raping Samantha while the true rapist chooses their next victim. And the mysterious Eve continues causing Brad pain.