Story #339 ("Truth-Seekers: The Metagene Wars" Story #4) Note: Turn on "word wrap" in Notepad before viewing. "Everything Lost" By Richard Broadstreet ---------------------------------------------------------- Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - 03:42pm (Local Time) Alley - near Denver, CO, USA ---------------------------------------------------------- I walked through the alley, feeling weak and very hungry. I was far from clean-shaven, and my clothes were torn in many places and smudged with dirt. For the most part, they were the same clothes I had worn that day back in May, when I returned to my home, only to find it was now cold and vacant. I had felt as if I had never been born. The government I fought had kidnapped me and brought me to a base on the moon to perform years of experiments on me. I was unconcious during the entire time until I had awoken and escaped just months ago. No one would believe me if I had told them. It was beyond belief... at least to the normal human life. But my life was so far from normal. I exited the alley and began walking down the sidewalk, getting many disgusted ans saddened looks from strangers around me. An attractive female stopped me. "Hey. Are you Richard Broadstreet?" she asked. "You look just like him." "I used to be him. But, something happened. Now, I'm no one." I told her. "I used to be one of your biggest fans." the famale said. "I read your every book. What happened to you?" "You probably wouldn't believe me." I said. "Oh. And didn't you die? I thought I heard that you did." she asked. "Sometimes, I wish I had." I answered. "I must go. Bye." Before waiting for a reply, I walked past her and on down the sidewalk. Tuesday, October 12, 2010 - 05:31pm (local time) Scott's Apartment - New York City, NY, USA ---------------------------------------------------------- Scott Broadstreet walked in through the front door, home from work. He walked into the living room and greeted his girlfriend, Isabel. "Did you have a good day at work?" Isabel asked. "It was alright." Scott replied. "Not much differnet than usual. Only that I've got the rest of the week off... we could go back to Colorado for a vacation." Scott smiled. "That's great." Isabel said and smiled back. "Then let's get packing..." Scott told her. Tuesday, October 12, 10:27pm (local time) Abandoned home - near Nathrop, CO, USA ---------------------------------------------------------- I walked up the driveway towards the house that I used to live in. Cold rain fell from the sky, soaking me to the bone. My life used to be here, at this house. But that was years ago, before I had died. I had read all about it before escaping the government facility in Washington, D.C. I had died twice. The government kidnapped me and made it seem as if I had been killed. When suspicions arose concerning my death, the government programmed and released a few clones, one of me and another of my long-lost sister, Dana. They were programmed to crashland their escape pod on Earth and die, to rest the suspicions and end the legacy. And they had succeeded. My UFO/alien/conspiracy research, and my life, was over. I hid underneath the front porch's awning and shivered with cold. Winter was coming, and I probably couldn't survive it on the streets. I sat down on the cold, moist concrete and slowly fell into a restless sleep. Wednesday, October 13, 2010 - 06:24pm (local time) Abandoned home - near Nathrop, CO, USA ---------------------------------------------------------- "Umm, sir?" a voice said as a hand reached out and shook me. I opened my eyes and rubbed the sleep matter from them. I then looked up to see a face and noticed he had fallen asleep in front of his former house. "What are you doing here?" the man asked. I looked back at the man and saw an amazing sight. This man was my brother, Scott. "Scott! It's you!" I exclaimed. "Do I know you?" Scott asked me. "It's me, Scott. You may not be able to tell because of my terrible appearance. I'm Richard, your bro." A surprised look appeared on Scott's face "Wait." Scott said. "Richard is dead." "No." I told him. "It's me. I've been wandering from town to town in Colorado since I escaped a few months ago. I've had no place to go...and I was about to give up on finding my life. But, now, it has found me." I stood and hugged Scott. "If you are Richard, you would know about the first time I got arrested." Scott told me. "Scott, I... You were only fifteen years old. You tried to hack into some government website. I didn't see you for the rest of that week. Our parents wre furious. But that was the only time you got caught. When you got back home, you researched, you conversed online... you became the best. In my opinion, anyway." I explained. Scott began to get teary-eyed. "It is you..." he said and we hugged each other tight. Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 11:04am (local time) unknown location ---------------------------------------------------------- A shadowy figure sat behind a desk in a darkened office, in front of his computer. The time was near, he knew. He looked to the picture frame. "I will achieve what you weren't able to, father." he said. "I promise. You will be proud...just like I was of you..." He adjusted the name plate on his desk that read "Gen. Robert Turcotte", stood, and left the room. Thursday, October 14, 2010 - 11:42am (local time) Home - near Nathrop, CO, USA ---------------------------------------------------------- "We're moving back here, with Richard." Scott said to Isabel. "Alright." Isabel replied. "But what about your job?" "I'll work that out. I can do my work here." Scott said. Isabel sighed in reply. "What is it?" Scott asked. "Oh..nothing." Isabel told him. Scott was about to reply when I entered the room. "I almost feel back to normal." I muttered as I entered the room. I had shaved and taken a long shower. "You actually look your age again." Scott told me. I was twenty-seven now, but for the last few months, I had felt much older. That was, until now. "Scott, time to update me. Tell me everything that happened while I was gone." I told him and sat down on the couch. Scott sat down on the couch next to me and began updating me. End of Story #339 - Never The End...